terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2013

Erectile dysfunction ... and Now??

Erectile dysfunction

 What is Erectile Dysfunction??

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis for satisfactory sexual intercourse regardless of the capability of ejaculation.

In simple words this might be your problem.

Erectile Dysfunction and Causes...

There are several underlying causes, such as diabetes, many of which are medically reversible. The causes of erectile dysfunction may be physiological or psychological.

Psychological impotence can often be helped by almost anything that the patient believes in; there is a very strong placebo effect.
Erectile dysfunction is characterized by the inability to maintain an erection.
Normal erections during sleep and in the early morning suggest a psychogenic cause, while loss of these erections may signify underlying disease, often cardiovascular in origin.

Other factors leading to erectile dysfunction are diabetes mellitus (causing neuropathy) or hypogonadism (decreased testosterone levels due to disease affecting the testicles or the pituitary gland).

Are you suffering with this, not only for you, but also for your wife or girlfriend?
ED can destroy a relationship, but in this days ED have 95% of cure, you don't have to be embraced to talk about this with your doctor.

Depending on the cause of your Erectile Dysfunction problem, i bet your doctor will help you to find the best treatment for your case.

Always remember ED can be treated.

Here in this blog i will be updating with new posts about all the news about this disease, that affects millions of mans.

Your are not alone on this fight.

First step :

Talk to your Doctor to get a correct diagnostic about the causes, then is just a case to find the best solution for your special case.

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